weekend update

Since Beijing is only couple a few cities from where my dad side of the family lives, i decided to go back for the weekend. I bought my train ticket to leave Friday afternoon at 4:26 and come back Monday morning at 11:47 after watching the world cup in the morning with mia familia. Thursday night my aunt sends me a message to leave the office an hour and half early and take a cab to the train station. I misread an hour and half as half hour, and the result was pretty predictable.

Arriving at the train station at 5:00 pm, I didn’t even panic or run, because I knew it was useless at the point. After talking to my aunt over and over again, I decided to sneak on the train with my old ticket and by a make-up ticket when the ticket collector comes by. One good thing about having thousands of people congregating at every public arena is that it’s extremely easy to get pass the security (scary thought). Although everything went according to plan, a make-up ticket doesn’t entail a seat, so I had to stand for three and half hours. It was quite an experience, but I can’t say it was terribly unpleasant.

The rest of the weekend was not any less interesting than my train debacle. There was a dinner in which I was asked to drink with a guest and all my relatives found out that unlike them, I like to drink, a lot. There was a trip to the electronic mall in which I finally equipped my Nintendo with about 30 illegal games. There was a family meeting that entailed yelling, storming out, throwing things, and ended in pure awkwardness. And last but not least, there was the world cup final that resulted in Robben complaining like a little girl.

world cup final preparation: snacks, beer, herbal tea, coca cola, jersey, vuvuzela, and more snacks.  

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