food for thought

I can’t believe it’s Friday. Everything is going by so fast that I just want time to slow down. Because I only slept for 7 hours last night, I didn’t really feel like doing anything today. Therefore, I spent a lot of time talking to other people, from architecture to life to food to drinking. I’ve realized that I am very lucky to have chosen this major because it really allows me to travel, to see rest of the world. Almost all the foreign interns have had previous jobs stationed in Europe, and it just seems like there’s so much more to see and do before I settle down on a job for the rest of my life. They tell me that the good thing about architecture is that you can pretty much find a job anywhere, and while the salary is not great, it’s always adequate. After talking to them, I really want to just take a few years off before applying for grad school and go to Brussels, Amsterdam, or Paris, and work at different firms.

In the U.S, I’ve been brainwashed by the society that money equals success, but here money seems way less important than the friends you make and things you have done. This is another thing about America, according to Kruz (I finally figured out his name), Americans love to win, to be the best. This is why we love football, basketball, and baseball, because we are the best in the world. Yes, we like “challenges” and “competitions”, but we only like them because we always come on top. This is why he thinks soccer will never be just as big as basketball, people like Dempsey, Donovan, and Altidore will never have the same endorsement deals as Kobe, Lebron, or Manning. Although his last argument is debatable (and we did spend an hour debating), he has some valid points…

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